The Benefits of Meal Planning

This is one of those tasks that can be easily overlooked, but by simply taking 15-20 minutes a week to plan out your meals can be a huge time saver in itself.  When you plan your meals ahead of time, it’s easier to make your shopping lists and meal preparations because you already have it laid out!  This way you are also less likely to cave and just grab some take-out!  

If you are creative like myself, you can make it fun and write it out!  Use different coloured pens or markers for each day of the week.  Take a snap shot of it with your phone so you have it on hand if you are heading out to the market.  I like to use a local organic food service for my groceries because I find it saves me time and is more efficient.

It’s a good practice to have your menu in sight so you stay on track and be mindful of what preparation needs to be done ahead of time.  I like to include my kids and ask what they would like see on the menu as well, it gets them involved and creates an awareness of the foods they are putting into their bodies.  So if you schedule a day to eat out you all have something to look forward to, but know they have had good nourishment the rest of the time and teaches them about that balance.  

Meal planning isn’t about having everything done perfect or creating strict timelines.  It’s simply using your time as efficiently as possible so us busy moms can focus on the things that matter the most!